Tuesday, October 15, 2013

21 Pilots

21 Pilots performed in Syracuse a few weeks back. My roommate introduced me to the band and convinced me to go to the concert. I was almost going to skip, considering the crazy amount of work my graphics class demanded. But thought, what the hell.

The opening band was...not impressive to say the least. It was horrendous. All those flashing lights and shouting, and the constant "MAKE SOME NOISE" shouts. Sigh. Not my cup of tea, but I think others probably thought they were bangin. I didn't. It was just UGH. I had to wear sun glasses. INSIDE.

But, thank god 21 Pilots came on right after them.
Let's just say. IT WAS AMAZINGGGGGGGG. Tyler and Josh are absolutely amazing performers. And I mean they make their performance enjoyable. They talked to the audience, they get you so pumped up and not just through the singing. I can't get over it. In the end they came down into the crowd, brought their drums down, and did this drum circle bit. So they rotated, and drummed together. I don't even know how to describe it.

To future Jackie,
Are you still listening to them? What new music are you listening to now? Been to anymore concerts? Hopefully you're loving the playlist you're listening to now.

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